New generation Flashmix revolutionises powder/liquid mixing
The latest Silverson Flashmix powder/liquid mixer is now two times faster. Large volumes of powder are dispersed and hydrated, consistently and agglomerate free at a rate of up to 15,000 kgs/hour. The Flashmix incorporates breakthrough technology that allows it to bring the benefits of high shear mixing to new applications. “We’ve really broken new ground here,” explains Matt Smith, international sales director, Silverson Machines. “The Flashmix can be used at higher temperatures and with higher viscosity mixes, than was previously possible. This opens a whole new area of processing for high shear mixing.”
The engineering difference
Unlike most powder/liquid mixers, which use vacuum to pull in powders, the Flashmix literally forces powder into the liquid stream - there's no venturi, no vacuum. A specially modified Silverson In-Line mixer recirculates liquid from a process vessel through the Flashmix at high velocity with minimal aeration. Since the powder and liquid components are introduced directly into the high shear zone of the mixer, they are subjected to intense mechanical and hydraulic shear, which instantaneously combines them, producing a homogeneous product without agglomerates. “The Flashmix is uniquely suited for mixing higher concentrations of gums and thickeners,” adds Smith.
The Flashmix is built upon a base of an EHEDG and 3-A Certified hygienic In-Line mixer. Because of its modular construction, the Flashmix can be customised to accommodate numerous applications and batch sizes. “The real beauty of the Flashmix is its simplicity,” says Smith. “No additional pump is needed; it requires only low power; and it’s easy to install, operate and clean. From an operational perspective, this is hugely beneficial.”
View more information about Flashmix powder/liquid mixers